

Navigating Supply Chain Strains


Brian sits down with Patrick Murphy, President of Results Technology, an MSP based out of Kansas City to discuss managing supply chain strains through the past 6 months. Dan Wensley, CEO at Warranty Master catches

Navigating Supply Chain Strains2020-09-02T13:29:36+00:00

Gut Check Time


In the face of today’s challenges it’s clear that we truly are better together. As the saying goes ‘It takes a village’, can truly be applied to not just the IT Channel rather any and

Gut Check Time2020-04-02T16:43:03+00:00

Beyond the Curve


We can all agree that we are dealing with an unprecedented enemy that is affecting each and every one of us globally. While trying to adjust and adapt through this difficult time we need to

Beyond the Curve2020-09-16T14:04:40+00:00

IT is a Vital Service


Brian talks with Dan Wensley, CEO with Warranty Master; An Automated Asset Lifecycle Management platform for IT Service Providers. Dan talks about the steps Warranty Master as a company took to go remote in a

IT is a Vital Service2020-03-18T20:02:52+00:00

Good Cyber Hygiene


We often hear IT Service Providers talking about the latest and greatest cybersecurity tools from Artificial Intelligence to Machine Learning and Intrusion Detection, however many breeze over the fundamentals of starting with good cyber hygiene.

Good Cyber Hygiene2019-11-13T17:55:37+00:00

Proactive Asset Management


Brian talks with the new CEO at Warranty Master, Dan Wensley on the importance of Asset Lifecycle Management and its impact on your cyber security hygiene. We have heard many references to cyber security being

Proactive Asset Management2019-07-18T15:20:20+00:00
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