Brian sits down with Art Gross, Founder of Secure Now! to discuss Security Awareness training and the cascading benefits it presents for IT Service Providers.

With the bad guys becoming more and more sophisticated in their reconnaissance of SMB targets, they are aiming at the lowest hanging fruit in an organization….the employees. Through phishing attacks and social engineering they are able to entice employees to click on malicious emails and links opening the door for an attack. Employee Security Awareness training is the number one defense against these attacks.

Art discusses making enterprise level training available to the SMB. These programs start with core training that takes 45min to 1 hour for employees to complete. Training is then maintained with small bites through micro training which keeps staff up to date on threats while also keeping cyber security top of mind throughout an organization. The residual benefit for IT Service Providers is the cascading effect this creates to open and have high level, high value conversations with their clients to build out an effective and layered security stack.

Secure Now! offers a complete solution to walk prospects and current customers through the cybersecurity journey. It starts with dark web scanning and evolves into a comprehensive employee monitoring program complete with vulnerability scoring for decision makers to see a high level picture of where they need to shore up and where they are secure.