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Don't miss this exclusive, intimate & interactive session with a leading cybersecurity expert
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Wednesday, September 23, 1:00 pm est
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We’re already in the next phase of digital transformation. We’ve been forced by COVID-19 to rethink, virtually overnight, how we work and live with technology. We’ve quickly shifted beyond the digitization of things like travel, shopping, and ordering food. As we’ve had to embrace rapid work-form-home models and a world where six feet apart is the closest we can get, everything is now transforming quickly to a much more highly distributed mindset. With this “new different” comes a parallel need to ensure that we’re keeping the distributed environment safe and secure.
Join Tim Brown in this exclusive IoTSSA event to examine some of the most critical aspects of the current digital landscape, and how it is impacting cybersecurity practitioners as they seek to keep pace with accelerated change. Adversaries are busier than ever looking for a way to transform their operations to also keep pace.
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Tim Brown, VP of Security for SolarWinds leads security operations, product security and security product strategy. By leading both operations and product strategy Tim is both a consumer and user of security technology as well as a designer and builder. As a Dell Fellow Emeritus, CTO, chief product officer, chief architect, distinguished engineer and director of security strategy, Tim deeply understands the challenges and aspirations of the person responsible for driving security, innovation and change. Tim has over 20 years of experience developing and implementing security technology, including identity and access management, vulnerability assessment, security compliance, threat research, vulnerability management, encryption, managed security services and cloud security. He has had the privilege to work globally with companies of all sizes helping them with their security journey. Nationally, his trusted advisor status has taken him from meeting with members of Congress and the Senate to the Situation Room in the White House. Tim is also an avid inventor with 18 issued patents in security related areas.
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By registering for this event, you are agreeing to join the IoTSSA Community and to SolarWinds Terms and Privacy Policy.
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Past Event Recap & Highlights
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[/et_pb_divider][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“I skip more events than I attend as they turn out to be another ploy to get you to pay for services that you don’t need. Free lunch is never worth the hassle. This was by far one of the most informative, entertaining, and productive events I have ever been too. My team has met some truly outstanding individuals who just want to make the IT community better. Of course we will buy and recommend the companies we met even though that was not their overall objective. Great job guys and look forward to the next event.”
– Demetrius Rouse, ITM SMB Services Manager, MRE Consulting
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“IoTSSA’s Expo events are one of a kind! It is a great place to learn about a vast majority of security products and expert advice. I can’t wait for the next event!”
– Matthew Schreiber, Network Systems Specialist, NorthStar Technology
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“The expo was excellent, lots of great information from industry experts and thought leaders. I look forward to the next event, well done IOTSSA”
– Peter Verlezza, Managing Partner, SMB Networks
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“IoTSSA delivers again. Our team got a ton of awesome insights into the world of cybersecurity that we can use to better serve our managed services clients. The presentations were top-notch, the food was amazing… and I learned I suck at golf. lol. See ya next year.”
Corey Simmons, Business Development, TNCSPro
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“I was really pleased with the content at the show. It was totally worth driving 2 hours to get solid information without the heavy sales pitch you get at other shows.”
Raffi Jamgotchian, CTO, Triada Networks
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“Iotssa’s event showcased security-centric solutions that enable MSP’s to further strengthen the integrity of client environments. Additionally, the educational aspect was both eye opening and paramount in positioning our organization as trusted advisors in this ever changing, fast-paced technological landscape.”
Anton Major, Director of Technology, VELOCIT
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“The event was obviously well organized and very relevant to our business, engaging and fun. The presenters were compelling – I left with several new exciting ideas about how to improve my company and better serve our customers.”
Emory Vandiver, VP Business Operations/Partner, Interactive Security
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“Front row worthy!” This is a great event for any and all ITSPs, MSPs, MSSPs, insert your acronym here, that want to dip a toe in the cyber security waters or dive in head first into the 500 foot deep pool of information! Amazing Pen testing presentation! Good Vendor selection for your needed service catalog. And as always with the Channel Great people that truly care and want to empower and inform! #ChannelChangers” Caleb Driscoll, Founder & President, Froogal
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“I recently attended an IoTSSA road show and it was a wealth of information. The presenters were very knowledgeable and the subject matter on point with the issues we service providers face today. I was able to make some great vendor connections along with some awesome peer networking which made the entire day a huge win.” Eric Rieger, President of WEBIT Services
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″]“IoTSSA exceeded my expectations! The intimate event was a great way to talk to and meet industry leaders and ask questions in both a group setting and one on one” Ed Bensinger, President/CEO of Bensinger Consulting
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“I attended an IoTSSA local event recently and found the content to be excellent! Everyone is talking about cyber security and the more great minds and solutions that are in one room, the better the discussions. This was absolutely worth my time out of the office. I came away with some great nuggets. I highly recommend their events and website for up to date content related to cyber security.” Guy Baroan, President of Baroan Technologies
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A Fun, educational & FREE event for IT Service Providers
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